All posts by Peter Glenn, In order up to most recent. Copied from with date of original posting.
The ACNA statement of faith (1/26/2014)
Here is the statement of faith off the top of my head that I understand to have subscribed to as a member of ACNA, as I do not have access to the material.
1. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, c. 30 CE, was God's anointed servant who was sent to make known his will to people. As with Abraham, this seed was for all nations. He was God, though this was only partly acknowledged with a few momentary exceptions in his ministry.
2. The only way to change men's stubborn hearts and thus make known God's message to mankind, was for his friends to see him crucified. That part is secret. Throughout prior history we have seen men harden and resist themselves against God's word, and God delivering some of them though as through a scourging fire.
3. The Hebrew Scriptures, the Psalms, the Prophets, the Evangelists, the Epistles, and the other books of the New Testament, are the written word of God
4. For our justification he was raised from physical and spiritual death after three days, about 72 hours, and appeared to a select few
Basic truths (3/21/2014)
(Post deleted)
On GAFCON (UPDATED) (3/26/2014)
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
Gay sex is against the law. I don't understand why those who advocate gay sex think they score highly on the SAT. They score low, and whether the test is good or evil, it is the standard that is used appropriately to teach us about grace, God's love for sinners. If I have a low SAT score then I may not yet be able to hire a lawyer and sue for the right to go to Harvard, but I do have life elsewhere. Failure is the way we get our heads out of a bag of ourself and open up to something outside of our every extension of self. Now some people actually do score low on the SAT, and shouldn't a gay person work on this for a time until this evil is righted?
In a church that faces alcoholism, child abuse, incest, and murder, gay sex is part of the potpourri. We lose sight of the attack, the existentialism of the cross. Use it! Teach people on Saturday to attack the sin of gay sex at church on Sunday with the rest of the country. Otherwise you start a dichotomy enforced not by preaching against sin but by establishing laws as a condition of physical entrance that are contrary to the laws of the state you vote in. Be persecuted. Preach against gay sex. Pray to discover all the angles of how you can teach your neighbors, who you physically share space with, about this. Isolating this message is a titanic struggle between belief and apostasy.
These are my imperfect thoughts, but I am absolutely disgusted by the news as reported from GAFCON. Here's a story. A man goes into a town and wins a day-long competition. Immediately he is crowned king, and everyone, including the runners up, pays him allegiance. That town is well run. Another man goes into another town and wins the same day-long competition. There is no crowning, no heraldry, no visage on the town gates, and he is in a squabbling fight with the other contenders until kingdom come. Meanwhile unrealized forces govern the town.
These are the GAFCON news reports. To be heralded is what the African primates prophesied years ago and now of repentance to their wealthier brethren. This message is buried, if at all, by several other runner-up theologies. It is about gay sex, a physical act.
Crown the King: I am hopelessly and ruinously corrupted by my society, my parenting, my doubts, my horrid behavior at work or at home. Pick one of these things and it is a death sentence. Now someone came as a lamb and has already been slain for us. We are set free by confessing those sins that most press in on us, and that is gay sex. Do not legislate against sin and not expect to lose sight of the gospel!
When I read the bible I fall down in worship of the delicacy and beauty of what God has done. It is so easy to lose sight of, and I speak so imperfectly myself.
UPDATED with four addendums due to others
1. This is what was seen when fast five. Credit where credit is due.
2. Anyone who finds their spiritual home with Bob Duncan should be sure this is announced publicly, or front and center in the congregation's published information. Few do this.
3. It is about boasting about gay sex, not gay sex
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