Monday, November 17, 2014

The battle for a man's heart

A Christian keeps away from Satanism and all that itches at the heart, saith the bible. “But I am just so accustomed to doing things this way,” you might say. Good men and women throughout the ages have understood that it is not their history that will judge them but putting their faith in another, resting their worship, their pleading on Jesus. Thus the hardest decision of a person’s life becomes the easiest.

Abraham and Sarah had faith and conceived, notwithstanding their years of unfruitfulness. Think humbly about what an example this would set! Isaac blessed Israel again by faith, along with Rebekah. Jacob refused to accept anything other than what faith had promised him, and his wife in turn challenged authority on the basis of promise. Our promise is acceptance by God, something the world does not take seriously enough. Pray with me then for love to choose grace and not law, assured that the devil is terrified of righteous deeds but devours the stragglers.

Who was Jesus? Not a ruler as the world knows but a man who trusted in mercy, who accepted the degradation of those in robes but spoke truth to power, and that truth was this, that a new kingdom was being ushered in, one where the crippled would stand up and walk, where the poor would have their rights respected, where kindness would be a code word for, yes, I know him. He reaches out to foreign lands, to foreign customs, to all those who have yearned for salvation. I heard in a sermon recently that we would be startled by Jesus’ humility. Jesus worked for the Father of lights, the Father of spirits, who reigns in almighty glory against all the forces of evil.

What did Jesus teach? What was his secret message? Yes, to heal. Yes, to love our enemies. Yes, to feed the hungry. But this, that we live in the shadow of his death. In dying he has scorched the earth of our fears so that Satan can no more tempt us. “For I die daily,” saith Paul. This was the uncomfortable word, the spirit of prophecy. My sins are now His sins, my anxieties His. He has descended to the lowest realms, and defeated Satan by his righteousness and his fast.

A homeless man doesn’t go into a store he doesn’t have the cash for! Saith the dauphin to her untalented neighbor, “bring me a trinket, cause of course YOU CAN!”

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